Students get opportunity to see very interesting videos where they also get a chance to see the demo or perform the task on their own.
We cover topics that kids relate to real world applications. Students get overall confidence to excel in their academics as they can proudly say that they have seen and built some high end engineering and technology gadgets.
Elementary school (6yrs- 8yrs) :—
STEM² education focuses on the introductory level courses. It is never too early for students to learn as at young age they have more curiosity and grasp things faster.This initial step provides standards-based structured inquiry-based and real world problem-based learning, connecting all the STEM² subjects. There is also an emphasis placed on bridging in-school and out-of-school STEM² learning opportunities.
Middle school ( 9yrs-11yrs) :—
At this stage, the courses become more rigorous and challenging. Student awareness of STEM² fields and occupations is still pursued, as well as the academic requirements of such fields.